Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
American Horror Story 1x12 002
Classification: Miscellaneous
Associated franchises: Hammer Horror
Nightmare on Elm Street
Universal Monsters
Associated comics: Walking Dead Vol 1
Werewolf by Night Vol 1
Related articles: Hangman

Hanging is a means of execution wherein a person is bound and has a noose placed about their neck. They are abruptly dropped from a predetermined height (a standard drop is anywhere from four to six feet) until the noose tightens, snapping their neck. In western culture, hanging was a common means of execution utilized up until the early twentieth century. It is still widely used in many other cultures and may even be the primary means of capital punishment. The wooden structure that includes the platform, and the frame through which the ligature is threaded is called the gallows.

Characters who hang themselves[]

Note: Listings marked with the (†) symbol indicate characters who survived being hanged.

Character Source
Audrey Rainier Insidious
Frankenstein Monster I Curse of Frankenstein, The
Gregory Walking Dead 141
Indur Defiance: Ostinato in White
Jack Russell Werewolf by Night 26
Maggie Greene Walking Dead 56
Reg Lopez Ash vs Evil Dead
Rod Lane Nightmare on Elm Street, A
Trish Keldor Zombie Tramp






See also[]

