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True Blood 5x06 007
Hadley Hale
Continuity: True Blood
Notability: Recurring character
Type: Halfling; Waitress
Gender: Female
Race: Halfling
Location: Hot Wings
Relatives: Sookie Stackhouse [1]
Jason Stackhouse [2]
Adele Stackhouse [3]; Earl Stackhouse [4]
Status: Alive
First: "Frenzy"
Final: "Hopeless"
Actor: Lindsey Haun

Hadley Hale is a minor recurring character from the HBO television series True Blood. Played by actress Lindsey Haun, she was introduced in the season two episode, "Frenzy". She made two appearances in season two and three appearances in season three. She did not appear at all in season four, but returned in season five.


Hadley Hale is a resident of Louisiana and a cousin of Jason and Sookie Stackhouse. She became a "fangbanger" (a vampire groupie) and began associating with Queen Sophie-Anne Leclerq. Hadley is responsible for telling Sophie-Anne about Sookie's Fairy heritage. She was later found working as a waitress at a lounge in the land of Fae.


Notes & Trivia[]


See also[]

The World of True Blood




External links[]


  1. Cousin; also part Fae.
  2. Cousin; also part Fae, but with no abilities.
  3. Grandmother, deceased.
  4. Grandfather; also a Fae, deceased.