Hackensack is a city located in Bergen County in the U.S. state of New Jersey. Hackensack is the birth place of fictional serial killer Charles Lee Ray. As an adult, Ray was active in the Chicago area and was gunned down by a man named Mike Norris. Charles used a voodoo amulet to transpose his soul into a "Good Guy" doll named Chucky. His body was sent back to Hackensack for burial. The Amulet of Damballah was buried with him. Years later, Chucky used magic transpose the soul of his girlfriend Tiffany Valentine into a bridal doll. In order to reverse the spell however, they needed the original amulet, which was still in Hackensack. When they journeyed to the cemetery to disinter Charles' remains, the two betrayed one another and got into a fight, which temporarily incapacitated both dolls.
3038 Fairborn is a street address located in Hackensack, New Jersey. This is the home of the Cross family, which consists of Nathan Cross, his wife Michelle Cross, and their children Lexy and Caroline. During the time that Michelle held the position of mayor of Hackensack, the Cross family left their family residence to live in the mayor's mansion.
Hackensack Gorge
Tiffany Valentine forced Andy Barclay at gunpoint to drive a van filled with Good Guy dolls away from town. Andy fought back when the dolls emerged from the back of the vehicle and began crawling across the roof. As they neared Hackensack Gorge, Andy hit the accelerator and whispered "This is for Kyle", whom he believed had been killed by Chucky. The van sped off the edge of the gorge and crashed in the ravine below. [1]
Intact was the owner of an office building located in Hackensack, New Jersey. It contained the office of family therapist Doctor Mixter, who offered guidance to a traumatized child named Caroline Cross. Caroline asserted that she had owned a doll named Chucky, who spoke to her, and instructed her to murder her mother. Fortunately, Caroline did not go through with this, and although these events actually did happen, her mother took her to see Doctor Mixter. Mixter believed that dolls could actually have therapeutic properties, and she gave her one of her own prized possessions, a Wedding Belle doll. Doctor Mixter was later present when the district attorney wanted to incarcerate Lexy Cross, Jake Wheeler and Devon Evans for the accidental death of a little boy named Gary who died in an explosion at Lexy's house from a homemade fertilizer bomb. Again, Chucky was the true perpetrator, but who would believe that a doll could create such carnage. Doctor Mixter stepped in an offered forth an alternative to juvenile detention. She arranged for the three teens to be transferred to the Catholic School of the Incarnate Lord in Burlington County.
Perry Middle School was a public middle school located in the city of Hackensack in New Jersey. The principal of the school was Megan McVey. Another member of the staff was a teacher named Miss Fairchild. The school hosted a talent show, which earned itself some measure of controversy when a new student named Jake Wheeler demonstrated a "ventriloquism" act with a Good Guy doll named Chucky. Unbeknownst to the assembly, Chucky was actually possessed by the spirit of deceased serial killer named Charles Lee Ray. As Chucky, the doll began spouting various profane statements, some of which were levied at a girl named Lexi Cross, who had been known to bully Jake.