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"Beyond the Wall of Sleep"
H.P. Lovecraft 2
H.P. Lovecraft
Title: "Beyond the Wall of Sleep"
Volume: 1
Number: 2
Cover price: $2.95
Cover date: March, 1992
Publisher: Malibu Graphics
Adventure Comics
Chief: Chris Ulm
Writers: Steve Jones
Pencilers: Octavio Cariello
Inkers: Octavio Cariello
Cover artists: Adam Adamowicz
Cover inker: Adam Adamowicz
Cover colorist: Adam Adamowicz
Colorists: Katy Llewellyn
Letterers: Tim Eldred
Editors: Dan Danko
Previous: H.P. Lovecraft #1
Next: H.P. Lovecraft #3

"Beyond the Wall of Sleep" is the second issue of the Lovecraft in Full Color comic book limited series published by Adventure Comics - an imprint of Malibu Graphics. Based on the short story by H.P. Lovecraft, the adaptation was written by Steve Jones with artwork by Octavio Cariello. It was colored by Katy Llewellyn and lettered by Tim Eldred. The story was edited by Dan Danko. This issue shipped with a March, 1992 cover date and carries a cover price of $2.95 per copy (US).

"Beyond the Wall of Sleep"[]

Featured characters

  • Denys Barry

Supporting characters

  • DeQuincy
  • Doctor Barnard
  • Doctor Fenton
  • Leslie Hope


  • Joe Slaader
  • Zech Slaader

Minor characters

  • Carl Hill (Referenced only)
  • Hannah Slaader
  • Miss Loufek
  • Peter Slaader (Only appearance; dies)


  • Maimonides Medical Center Department of Psychiatry

Races & Animals


  • Catskills Mountains
  • Oakdale State Psychiatric Hospital





Notes & Trivia[]

  • Howard Phillips "H. P." Lovecraft (August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937) was an American author of horror, fantasy and science fiction, especially the subgenre known as weird fiction. Lovecraft's guiding literary principle was what he termed "cosmicism" or "cosmic horror", the idea that life is incomprehensible to human minds and that the universe is fundamentally alien. Those who genuinely reason, like his protagonists, gamble with sanity.
  • Dave Olbrich is the publisher of this series.
  • Although the cover copy reads as just H.P. Lovecraft, the actual title of the series in the indicia is Lovecraft in Full Color. "Lovecraft in Full Color 2" redirects to this page.
  • This issue is an adaptation of "Beyond the Wall of Sleep" by H.P. Lovecraft. It was written in 1919 an first published in the October, 1919 issue of the amateur publication Pine Cones. It was published again in the March, 1938 issue of Weird Tales.

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

External Links[]
