Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"The Trust Thing"
Grimm Fairy Tales - Dance of the Dead 2
Grimm Fairy Tales: Dance of the Dead
Title: "The Trust Thing"
Volume: 1
Number: 2
Cover price: $3.99
Cover date: November, 2017
Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment
Chief: Joe Brusha
Writers: Anne Toole; Joe Brusha
Pencilers: Enn
Inkers: Emanuele Braga; Enn
Cover artists: Ario Murti; Netho Diaz; Noah Salonga; Jorge Meguro
Cover inker: Ario Murti; Netho Diaz; Noah Salonga; Jorge Meguro
Cover colorist: Ivan Nunes; Jorge Cortes; Ceci de la Cruz; Jorge Meguro
Colorists: Hedwin Zaldivar; Ceci de la Cruz
Letterers: Kurt Hathaway
Assistants: Dave Franchini
Editors: Jessica Rossana
Previous: Grimm Fairy Tales: Dance of the Dead #1
Next: Grimm Fairy Tales: Dance of the Dead #3

"The Trust Thing" is the second issue of the six-part Grimm Fairy Tales: Dance of the Dead comic book limited series published by Zenescope Entertainment. It was written by Anne Toole based on a story treatment by Joe Brusha. It was illustrated by Enn with inks by Emanuele Braga. It was colored by Hedwin Zaldivar & Ceci de la Cruz and lettered by Kurt Hathaway. The story was edited by Jessica Rossana. This issue shipped in November, 2017 and carries a cover price of $3.99 per copy (US).

"The Trust Thing"[]

Trapped in the Shadlowlands, Mystere and Jasmine must rely on each other to survive while searching for a way to escape back to Earth. But the evil wizard Gruel has other plans for them and that includes suffering at the hands of his newest ally.




Races & Animals[]


  • Shadowlands


