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Green Lantern Honor Guard
Continuity: DC Universe
Type: Military personnel
Status: Active
Leaders: Guardians of the Universe
Members: Apros; Boodika; Ganthet; Guy Gardner; Hannu; John Stewart; K'ryssma; Kyle Rayner; Soranik Natu; Tomar-Re
Allies: Alpha Lanterns; Green Lantern Corps; Guardians of the Universe
Enemies: Cyborg Superman; Krona; Sinestro
1st appearance: Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1

The Green Lantern Honor Guard are a fictional organization featured in comic books published by DC Comics. They are associated with the Green Lantern line of titles and first appeared in Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #1 in May, 1981.


The Green Lantern Honor Guard is an adjunct of the Green Lantern Corps. It is an elite faction within the Corps, whose membership includes only the bravest and most stalwart of Green Lanterns. Although all members of the Corps are known for their heroism and bravery, members of the Honor Guard are not restricted by jurisdiction and are not assigned a specific space sector to patrol. In the original iteration of the Honor Guard, its roster consisted of Apros, K'ryssma, and Tomar-Re.

The Honor Guard was reformed following the re-establishment of the Green Lantern Corps. A position that was added to its ranks included Protocol Lantern, which was held by Salakk. Earthman Guy Gardner was selected as the first member of this new Honor Guard. Other members included Boodikka, Ganthet, Hannu, John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, and Soranik Natu.


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