Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"Straight Shooter (Part 6)"
Green Arrow Vol 3 31
Green Arrow
Title: "Straight Shooter (Part 6)"
Volume: 3
Number: 31
Cover price: $2.50
Cover date: December, 2003
Publisher: DC Comics
Ex. Ed: Dan DiDio
Writers: Judd Winick
Pencilers: Phil Hester
Inkers: Ande Parks
Cover artists: Matt Wagner
Cover inker: Matt Wagner
Cover colorist: Matt Wagner
Colorists: Guy Major
Letterers: Willie Schubert
Assistants: Michael Wright
Editors: Bob Schreck
Previous: Green Arrow #30
Next: Green Arrow #32

"Straight Shooter (Part 6)" is the story title to the thirty-first issue of volume three of the Green Arrow comic book series published by DC Comics. The story was written by Judd Winick with artwork by Phil Hester and inks by Ande Parks. The cover art illustration was composed by Matt Wagner. The story was colored by Guy Major and lettered by Willie Schubert. It was edited by Bob Schreck with Michael Wright as assistant editor. This issue shipped with a December, 2003 cover date and carries a cover price of $2.50 per copy (US).


Featured characters

Supporting characters


Minor characters







Notes & Trivia[]

  • This is the first and only appearance of Martin Somers. A version of the Martin Somers character also appeared in the "Honor Thy Father" episode of Arrow, which is the second episode from season one of the series.
  • Final appearance of Joanna Pierce. She appears as a corpse only in this issue.

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

Green Arrow media

The World of Green Arrow

External Links[]
