Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Graxos IV
Continuity: DC Universe
Category: Planet
Galaxy: Milky Way Galaxy
System: Graxos System
Sector: Sector 2815
Residents: Arisia Rrab; Blish Rrab; Fentara Rrab
1st appearance: Green Lantern, Vol. 2 #149

Graxos IV is a fictional planet featured in comic books published by DC Comics. It is associated with the Green Lantern line of titles and first appeared in Green Lantern, Volume 2 #149 in February, 1982.


Graxos IV is a terrestrial world and the fourth planet in the Graxos Star System. Per the jurisdiction of the Green Lantern Corps, it is located in Sector 2815. Graxos IV has had several of its native members join the Green Lantern Corps, including Fentara Rrab, his brother, Blish Rrab, and Fentara's daughter, Arisia Rrab. The people of Graxos IV are humanoids with yellowish-orange skin, slender builds, and have pointed ears.

Films that take place in Graxos IV[]

TV shows that take place in Graxos IV[]

Comics that take place in Graxos IV[]

Residents of Graxos IV[]

Notes & Trivia[]

Related categories[]

External Links[]


  • Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps 3
  • Green Lantern Vol 2 149 (First reference)
  • Green Lantern: Earth One 1
  • Green Lantern: Earth One 2
  • Hawkman Vol 5 6
  • Hawkman Vol 5 7

  • Justice League Action: The Fatal Fare

  • References[]
