Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"Do you have to open graves to find girls to fall in love with?"
Helen Grosvenor[src]
Henry Frankenstein and Fritz
Grave robber
Classification: Occupation
Associated franchises: Frankenstein
Universal Monsters
Associated films: Frankenstein (1931)
Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
Son of Frankenstein
Character examples: Freddy Jolly; Fritz; Henry Frankenstein; Nubbins Sawyer; Victor Frankenstein

A grave robber, sometimes spelled as graverobber, is an individual who robs graves for a living. A rather ghoulish profession, these unscrupulous cads, dig up graves and break into tombs to steal any valuables that may have been buried with the deceased. The profession of grave robbing dates all the way back to the time of the pyramids of Egypt and is still employed today.

Scientist Henry Frankenstein and his hunchbacked assistant, Fritz, robbed the graves of the recently deceased, but the valuables that they sought were actually healthy organs, which Frankenstein used in the creation of his wacky stumbling bolt-necked monster. [1]

A couple of Welsh grave robbers broke into the Talbot Family Crypt in Llanwelly, Wales to steal from the coffin of one Lawrence Stewart Talbot. Grace robber Freddy Jolly learned to his dismay that Talbot was once cursed by lycanthropy, which turned him into a werewolf. After opening his coffin, the light of the full moon fell upon the corpse, reviving it. Freddy's cohort managed to escape, but Jolly himself was not quite so lucky. [2]


"I've harmed nobody, just robbed a few graves!"
Baron Frankenstein[src]
Character Source
Freddy Jolly Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
Fritz Frankenstein (1931)
Henry Frankenstein Frankenstein (1931)
I-gor Young Frankenstein
Les Lancaster Friday the 13th
Neil Cooke Friday the 13th
Nubbins Sawyer Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Willie Loomis Dark Shadows
Ygor Son of Frankenstein





See also[]


