Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Granny Goodness' Orphanage
Granny Goodness' Orphanage
Continuity: DC Universe
Aliases: Granny's Orphanage
Category: Military base
Planet: Apokolips
Residents: Bernadeth; Big Barda; Lashina; Mad Harriet; Scott Free; Stompa
1st appearance: Mister Miracle #2

Granny Goodness' Orphanage is a fictional location featured in comic books published by DC Comics. It was introduced during the company's Pre-Crisis era of continuity and is associated with the "Fourth World" mythos. It first appeared in Mister Miracle #2 in June, 1971.


The orphanage is located on the planet of Apokolips and is run by a merciless taskmaster named Granny Goodness. In addition to being an orphanage, the facility is actually a training center, where Granny indoctrinates the children of Apokolips into become battle-hardened combat ready warriors. The cream of Granny's crop, is a cadre of warrior women known as the Female Furies. The New Genesis being later known as Scott Free, aka Mister Miracle, was raised in Granny's orphanage, but ultimately escaped, taking with him a defector from the Furies named Big Barda. Granny's been kinda pissed about it ever since.

On occasion, the Kryptonian superhero known as Superman has had reason to come to Apokolips. Though he concentrates most of his energy on defeating Granny's superior, Darkseid, there have been times when his battles have taken him inside the orphanage as well.

Residents of Granny Goodness' Orphanage[]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The outside of the orphanage is adorned with a large banner displaying Granny's face, and the slogan "Granny Loves You". In her own twisted way, the mean ole bat actually does love her charges.
  • Another major point of interest on Apokolips is Armagetto, which is where the majority of Hunger Dogs may be found. Crappy place to visit. Crappy place to live.

See also[]

External Links[]

