Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki

The Crow[]

Grange - The Crow

Grange was a tall silent black man who worked as a bodyguard for criminal overlord Top Dollar. He also served as the voice for Top Dollar when it came to disseminating instructions to his lieutenants. On Top Dollar's order, he told Funboy, Tin Tin, T-Bird and Skank to do a hit on activist Shelly Webster, which resulted in not only Shelly's death, but that of her fiancée Eric Draven as well. A spirit crow resurrected Draven so that he could avenge his death and that of Shelly. As Draven began systematically taking out members of Top Dollar's gang, Grange reported all of his findings directly to his boss. Among these was the fact that a crow was always seen in the presence of Eric Draven. Grange concluded that if they were to kill the crow, then it might rob Draven of his power. To bait Draven into a trap, Grange kidnapped his friend, Sarah Mohr and brought her to a church. Draven arrived at the church to rescue Sarah and was accompanied by the crow. Grange shot the bird, injuring it, which caused Eric Draven massive pain and, as theorized, reduced his power of self-healing. Another of Draven's allies, police sergeant Albrecht arrived at the church and got into a shoot-out with Top Dollar's gang. During the firefight, Albrecht shot and killed Grange. (Crow, The)

Marvel Universe[]


Lieutenant Grange was a military officer employed by the Roxxon Corporation under the direction of Jonas Harrow. He masqueraded as being a member of a Special Forces unit and was in charge of deploying battle ships to an island in the South Atlantic Ocean for purposes of illegal toxic waste disposal. And who is the sort of individual that is most likely to get pissed off over toxic sludge being dumped into the ocean? Yup, you guessed it. Namor, the Sub-Mariner. During this affair, Iron Man became involved, which resulted in a battle between the two heroes. (Iron Man 120)

Star Wars[]

Grange was a planet located in the Rocantor Sector. It was an agrarian world and the birth place of Galen Erso, who later became a weapons designer for the First Galactic Empire. Grange was a strategically-important world, being well situated for hyperspace jump points to remote sectors. As such, it was besieged by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. (Star Wars: Catalyst)
