Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
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Grace (Visitor)
Name Grace
Aliases None
Continuity V
Category Minor character
Type Spy
Race Visitor
Gender Female
Base of Operations Reedsville, New York
Known relatives None
Status Deceased
Born Unknown
Died 2010
First Appearance V: John May
Played by Jessica Parker Kennedy

Grace is a minor character featured in the 2009 television series V. Played by actress Jessica Parker Kennedy, she first appeared in the episode entitled "John May".


Grace was a Visitor serving aboard the mother ship that hovered over the area of downtown Los Angeles. Anna's second-in-command, Marcus, put together a cell of sleeper agents to go to Earth and try to track down members of the Fifth Column resistance. Grace was assigned to watch over James May, son of alien freedom fighter John May.

Posing as a UCLA college grad, Grace relocated to the May home in Reedsville, New York and insinuated herself into James' life. She gave him a wristwatch as a gift, but in truth, the watch contained a chip that would enable her to monitor his actions at all times.

Ryan Nichols, Erica Evans, Jack Landry and Kyle Hobbes came to James' home in the hopes of acquiring a communications device that once belonged to his father. While Ryan and Jack spoke with James, Grace invited Erica and Kyle into the kitchen to make some coffee. Erica, being naturally suspicious of anyone related to the May family, tricked Grace into incorrectly answering a question about UCLA's sports teams, thus revealing herself as a Visitor. Once she realized that her cover was blown, Grace picked up a pair of scissors and attacked Erica. As the two grappled with one another on the floor, Grace exposed her razor-sharp reptilian claws and prepared to rake Erica with them. Kyle grabbed Grace from behind, pulled her off of Erica and snapped her neck. [1]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Grace received her orders from Marcus and managed to insinuate herself into the May household in an extremely short period of time.
  • When attempting to mislead Grace, Erica indicated that she really liked UCLA's football team the Trojans and Grace agreed with her. UCLA's team is actually the Bruins.

See also[]

