Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Good Guy doll
Good Guy doll
Type: Doll
Availability: Common item
Owners: Andy Barclay; Alice Pierce
Model: Chucky
1st appearance: Child's Play

A Good Guy doll is a brand name for an item that features prominently in the Child's Play film series. It appeared first in the original 1988 film and has appeared in some form or fashion in all related media. In most cases, the Good Guy doll is presented as a warped and twisted version of its normal self due to being possessed by the spirit of a deceased serial killer known as Charles Lee Ray, aka "Chucky".


The Good Guy doll was a mass-produced children's doll designed primarily for boys. It stood about three feet tall and had red hair and blue overalls. Each doll was given its own name such as Bob, Jimmy, or Chucky and included a voice box programmed with various phrases such as "Hi, I'm [doll's name]. Wanna be friends?" Other phrases included "I'll be your friend to the end", and "Hidey-Hidey-Ho".

Boxed action figure[]

The Good Guys action figure is a collectible produced by NECA. It relates to the Child's Play film series. It is packaged in a yellow cardboard container, similar to the Good Guy doll featured in the film series. Accessories include a hammer, a butcher knife, a bloody knife, and a baseball bat. He wants YOU for a best friend!

Serial killer Charles Lee Ray was gunned down by police in a fatal shootout, but managed to cheat death at the last minute through the use of voodoo magic. Now trapped in the body of a child-size Good Guy doll, Charles resumes his killing spree in a desperate attempt to transfer his spirit back into a human form before the change becomes permanent.

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