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See also Reverse-Flash for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Golden Age Reverse-Flash
The Golden Age Reverse-Flash
Aliases: Golden Age Reverse Flash
Continuity: DC Universe
Notability: Antagonist
Type: Supervillain
Race: Robot
Location: Keystone City, Kansas
Status: Status unknown
First: The Flash, Volume 2 #134

The Golden Age Reverse-Flash is a fictional robot and a minor antagonist featured in comic books published by DC Comics. He made a single appearance in the "Still Life in the Fast Lane" story from The Flash, Volume 2 #134 in February, 1998.


The so-called Golden Age Reverse-Flash was an automaton that was put together by some random crackpot, who apparently gained scientific insight by corresponding with a super-genius who was incarcerated at Belle Reve. This unknown individual sent the Golden Age Reverse-Flash to wreak chaos in Keystone City. The original Flash, Jay Garrick, took care of him rather quickly. [1]



  • Super-speed: Presumably the Golden Age Reverse Flash possessed some superhuman speed abilities, though he never demonstrated them.


  • Golden Age Reverse-Flash's personal talents and skill proficiencies, if any, are unknown.

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The name "Golden Age Reverse-Flash" is not an honorific to distinguish him from other characters. This was the character's actual name.

See also[]

External Links[]


