Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki

George "Digger" Harkness hailed from Australia and was a professional boomerang thrower. He was hired by the Wiggins Game Company to be their promotional symbol, but Harkness modified some of the boomerangs to make them even more effective. Realizing that he could parlay his talents into a more lucrative career, he decided to become a costumed criminal, calling himself Captain Boomerang. George Harkness traveled to the United States where he used gimmick boomerangs to commit robberies. This ultimately brought him into conflict with the super-speedster known as the Flash. The Flash defeated Boomerang, but he would eventually escape from jail and become a member of a group of fellow Flash foes known as the Rogues.

He and several other Rogues members also became members of the Secret Society of Super-Villains. After this version of the society were revealed to be pawns of Darkseid, Boomerang left the dissolving group and reconnected with the Rogues Gallery, again battling the Flash on numerous occasions. Captain Boomerang would lose to the Flash time and time again, and always be returned to prison.

While in prison, George Harkness was recruited by Amanda Waller to become an agent of a special branch of Task Force X known as the Suicide Squad. The deal involved going on several covert op missions on behalf of the United States Government. If he survived, he would have his sentence commuted. Harkness agreed, and served as a member of the Suicide Squad for several years.

As years passed, Captain Boomerang found himself falling out favor as a notable super-criminal. He began losing his hair, gained a substantial amount of weight, and had little left to him in the way of reputation. He did however, manage to connect with his long-lost son, Owen Mercer.

Desperate to revitalize his career, Captain Boomerang allowed himself to be manipulated by a deranged Jean Loring into assassinating Jack Drake, father of Robin (Tim Drake). Boomerang succeeded in killing Drake, but lost his own life as a result. He was later resurrected by mysterious circumstances during the "Brightest Day" event.
