Gemini Man is an American science fiction television series developed by Harve Bennett and his company, Harve Bennett Productions and produced by Universal Television. Eleven episodes of the series were produced, but only five episodes aired on NBC before the program was cancelled. The series borrows many elements from the 1975 TV series The Invisible Man (also developed by Harve Bennett), which in turn was based on the 1897Invisible Man novella written by H. G. Wells. Gemini Man starred Ben Murphy in the role of Sam Casey - a secret agent who could turn himself invisible for only fifteen minutes a day. The show also starred William Sylvester as his boss, Leonard Driscoll, and Katherine Crawford as Abby Lawrence.
As there is only one season to this series, Gemini Man/Season 1 redirects to this page.
To date, no material relating to Gemini Man has been made available in home video format such as VHS, DVD or Blu-ray. However, the pilot episode was released on VHS in West Germany and the series was also released on video in France by Elephant Films.
Alan J. Levi directed the most amount of episodes of the series, with a total of five episodes. Michael Caffey directed two episodes with other directors helming one episode apiece.
Actor Richard Dysart played Leonard Driscoll in the original pilot episode, but William Sylvester portrayed the character in all subsequent episodes.
Executive producer Harve Bennett is also known for producing four of the original Star Trek films.
Episode 1x04, "Night Train to Dallas" marks the acting debut of Kim Basinger.
Gemini Man is the first science fiction television series work for composer Mark Snow, who would go on to become the award-winning musical score composer of The X-Files. He works on one episode of Gemini Man.