Future Cop is an American television series of the science fiction and crime drama genres. It was produced by Paramount Network Television and premiered on ABC as a pilot movie on May 1st, 1976. The regular series ran for only five episodes from March until April of 1977. The series starred Ernest Borgnine as Los Angeles Police Department detective Joe Cleaver who worked with a robot partner played by Michael Shannon named Officer John Haven. The series also starred John Amos as Officer Bill Bundy. Recurring co-stars on the series include Herbert Nelson as Captain Skaggs, Irene Tsu as Doctor Tingley and Bill Zuckert as Lieutenant Fisk.
The 1998 video game Future Cop: LAPD has no connection to the TV series.
The Michael Shannon that appears in Future Cop is not to be confused with Michael Shannon, who played General Zod in the 2013 superhero film Man of Steel.
The three main characters from the show, Joe Cleaver, John Haven and Bill Bundy all have exactly nine letters in each of their names.