A funeral is a memorial service where people pay their respects to friends and loved ones who have recently died. A funeral service generally consists of a religious observance at a church or funeral home, followed by a burial, which takes place at a cemetery following the service. In some cases, the decedent is cremated, in which case, the service concludes at the funeral home.
- Alien: Covenant - Funeral for Branson.
- Black Hole, The - Cygnus drones hold funeral for one of their own. Burial in space.
- Captain America: Civil War - Funeral for Peggy Carter.
- Dark Half, The - Fake funeral for "George Stark" alter ego.
- Silver Bullet - Funeral service for Brady Kincaid.
- Arrow: Canary Cry - Funeral for Laurel Lance.
- Castle Rock: The Queen - Ruth Deaver has a flashback of attending her husband's funeral.
- Charmed: Déjà Vu All Over Again - Funeral for Andy Trudeau.
- Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth - Funeral for Grace O'Brien.
- Out of the Unknown: Thirteen to Centaurus
- 1st Issue Special 12 - Police funeral for Dave Clarson at Oakland Cemetery.
- Amazing Spider-Man 100 - Dream flashback to Ben Parker's funeral.
- Cat, The 1 - Funeral for Bill Nelson.
- Journey Into Mystery 1 - Man attends the funeral of a loved one.
- Rising Stars 0 - Specials attend memorial service.
- Tales of Suspense 100 - Funeral for David, a Hydra agent.
- Walking Dead 11 - Funeral for Arnold Greene & Lacey Greene.
- Walking Dead 78 - Funeral for Pete Anderson.
- Walking Dead 121 - Funeral for Denise Cloyd.
- Wonder Woman Vol 2 189 - Funeral for Wonder Woman, who isn't actually dead.