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"What falls from the top of the commode is a frog monster. What hits the floor isn't."
Frog monsters
Frog monsters
Body type: Amphibious
Limbs: 4
Special adaptations: Superhuman agility
Prey: Humans
1st appearance: Hellboy: Seed of Destruction #1

Frog monsters are a fictional breed of creature featured in the Hellboy comic book franchise. He first appeared in Hellboy: Seed of Destruction #1 in March, 1994.


Frog monsters are big-ass bipedal monsters with the physical characteristics of a frog. Duh.


That wacky ole Russian Nazi Grigori Rasputin just couldn't stop with his crazy occult stuff. He enslaved human males and transformed them into frog monsters. Such was the case with Sven Olafson, who led an expedition to the Arctic with Professor Trevor Bruttenholm. Rapsutin turned Olafson into a frog monster and ten months later sent him to Bruttenholm's home in Brooklyn to murder him.

Bruttenholm's protege, Hellboy, tried to save Bruttenholm, and blasted the frog monster in the bathroom with his pistol. When it died, its flesh and musculature disintegrated, leaving behind just a shattered skull and a few skeletal remains.

Frog monsters of note[]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Frog monster redirects to this page.
  • There is no official taxonomic name attributed to frog monsters. They're just frog monsters.
  • Frog monsters should not confused with Froglodytes, who are an alien race that went up against Monkeyman and Ann O'Brien. Both creatures exist in the same reality however.
  • The Olafson frog monster is the first on-panel casualty of Anung Un Rama, aka Hellboy.

See also[]


