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Friday the 13th: Bloodbath
Friday the 13th - Bloodbath 1
Title: Friday the 13th: Bloodbath
Publisher: Avatar Press
Type: Limited series
Years published: 2005-2006
Total issues: 3
Featuring: Jason Voorhees
Previous: Friday the 13th: Jason vs. Jason X
Next: Friday the 13th Fearbook

Friday the 13th: Bloodbath is a comic book limited series of the slasher horror genre. It is based on the popular Friday the 13th film series produced by Georgetown Productions, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. The series was published by Avatar press and ran for three issues from October 2005 to March 2006.

Creative team


  • Friday the 13th: Bloodbath 1
  • Friday the 13th: Bloodbath 2
  • Friday the 13th: Bloodbath 3

Annuals & Specials


Notes & Trivia

Recommended Reading

See also

Friday the 13th media

The World of Jason Voorhees

External Links
