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See also Frankenstein Monster for a complete list of references to clarify differences between these closely named or closely related articles.

Monster Squad 1x07 003
Frank N. Stein
Aliases: None
Continuity: Monster Squad
Notability: Main character
Type: Superhero
Gender: Male
Race: Reanimate
Associations: Monster Squad
Status: Undead
First: "Queen Bee"
Actor: Mike Lane

Frank N. Stein is a fictional reanimate and a pastiche of the Frankenstein Monster. He is presented as an heroic figure and is one of the main characters featured in the 1976 live-action Saturday morning children's series, Monster Squad. He was played by actor Mike Lane in the series.


As Frank N. Stein is identified being the original Frankenstein Monster, it can be assumed that his origin is the same, or at least similar to that of his literary namesake. Which is to say, he is composed of body parts that were stitched together from cadavers in a laboratory by Victor Frankenstein, and brought to life by some form of chemical and/or electrical process.

For reasons unknown, the Frankenstein Monster was rendered inert and kept in suspended animation inside a chamber in Fred's Wax Museum. Also within this chamber were the unconscious bodies of Dracula and the Werewolf. When a night watchman named Walter turned on his crime computer, it sent out oscillating waves that resurrected the three monsters. Now calling himself Frank N. Stein, the monster sought to make up for the evils of his past and became a heroic fighter for good as a member of the Monster Squad.

Contrary to most iterations of the character, Frank N. Stein was actually quite bright and articulate. He voice carried a hint of a Brooklyn accent, which is odd considering his presumably European origins.

When fellow Monster Squad member Dracula was captured by the Queen Bee, Frank and Bruce went to his aid by tracking one of her bees to her lair. He found Dracula trapped inside of a cage with a bear, so Frank wrestled with the bear to keep him distracted so Dracula could get free. [1]

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]

Monster Squad



The Wolf Man

External Links[]


