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Loki 1x01 005
Florence Schaffner
Aliases: Flo Wheeler [1]
Continuity: Real world
Notability: Minor character
Occupation: Flight attendant
Location: Lexington, South Carolina [1]
Associations: Northwest Orient Airlines
Status: Alive
Born: 1948
First: "Glorious Purpose"
Actor: Erika Coleman

Florence Schaffner is an actual person who was a flight attendant on Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305. She was a witness to one of the most infamous escapades of air piracy in recorded history, which involved an individual known as D.B. Cooper, who extorted $200,000 then parachuted to safety - never to be seen or heard from again. A version of Florence Schaffner appeared in the "Glorious Purpose" episode of Loki where she was played by actress Erika Coleman.


Florence Schaffner worked as a flight attendant on Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305. The Boeing 727 airplane was en route from Portland, Oregon to Seattle, Washington. Around 3:00 pm PST, Schaffner was sitting in a jump seat next to a passenger that history will come to know by the pseudonym "D.B. Cooper". Shortly after takeoff, Cooper handed Schaffner a note, which she stuffed into her purse without opening. Cooper leaned forward and whispered, "Miss, you'd better look at that note. I have a bomb." The note instructed the receiver to remain close to Cooper, and she obeyed. She asked Cooper to show her the bomb, and he opened a briefcase, revealing what appeared to be sticks of dynamite. He issued a demand for $200,00 in negotiable American currency.

In one account of the story, D.B. Cooper was actually Loki Laufeyson of Asgard - God of Mischief. As one of his prankish exploits on Midgard, he was the one who assumed the name "D.B. Cooper", and had the interaction with Florence Schaffner. As in the real world, he told Florence "Miss, you'd better look at that note. I have a bomb." Armed with a suitcase full of money, Loki then parachuted out of the airplane, then called upon Heimdall to spirit him back to Asgard upon the Bifrost. [2]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Actress Erika Coleman is credited as "Flight attendant" in "Glorious Purpose". Based on contextual reference as it relates to history, this database identifies her as the actual woman from the incident, Florence Schaffner.
  • As Florence Schaffner is an actual person, it is highly unlikely that she ever encountered an Asgardian god in the real world.

See also[]

  • To be added.

External Links[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 The Cinemaholic.com; "Where Is Florence Schaffner Now?". November 25, 2020; Mehrotra, Kriti.
  2. Loki: Glorious Purpose