Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Season Four
Flash (2014)
Flash 4x04 001

Season Premiere

October 10th, 2017
Season Finale TBA
Episode Count 23
Cast Grant Gustin; Candice Patton; Danielle Panabaker; Carlos Valdes; Neil Sandilands; Tom Cavanagh; Jesse L. Martin

Season 3


Season 5

Season Four of the live-action superhero fantasy series The Flash premiered on the CW Network on October 10th, 2017. It ran for a full twenty-three episode season. This season sees the return of most of the series regulars beginning with Grant Gustin as the costumed superhero, The Flash, aka Barry Allen. Candice Patton plays Barry's teammate and fiancé Iris West. Danielle Panabaker is the schizophrenic Killer Frost, though most know her as medical know-it-all Caitlin Snow. Carlos Valdes is Cisco Ramon, aka Vibe, Tom Cavanagh reprises the role of Harrison "Harry" Wells of Earth-Two and Jesse L. Martin returns as Central City Police Department detective Joe West, who also happens to be Iris' father. Adding to the main cast line-up is Neil Sandilands who plays Clifford DeVoe. Based on the DC Comics character, The Thinker, DeVoe is the primary antagonist for this season. Departing from the show as a series regular is Keiynan Lonsdale as Wally West, though he still makes guest appearances throughout the season.


Episode Title Airdate
4x01 The Flash Reborn October 10th, 2017
4x02 Mixed Signals October 10th, 2017
4x03 Luck Be a Lady October 10th, 2017
4x04 Elongated Journey Into Night October 10th, 2017
4x05 Girls Night Out October 10th, 2017
4x06 When Harry Met Harry... October 10th, 2017


Principal cast[]

Actor Role

Guest stars[]

Actor Role





Notes & Trivia[]

Home video[]

See also[]

External Links[]
