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"Who Is Harrison Wells?"
Series The Flash
Season 1, Episode 19
Flash (2014) 1x19 002
Air date April 21st, 2015
Writers Ray Utarnachitt; Cortney Norris
Director Wendy Stanzler
Producers Geoff Garrett; Jennifer Lence; Carl Ogawa; Glen Winter; JP Finn; Alison Schapker; Gabrielle Stanton; Aaron Helbing; Todd Helbing; Sarah Schechter; David Nutter; Andrew Kreisberg; Greg Berlanti
Starring Grant Gustin; Candice Patton; Danielle Panabaker; Rick Cosnett; Carlos Valdes; Tom Cavanagh; Jesse L. Martin
Episode guide
"All Star Team Up"
"The Trap"

"Who Is Harrison Wells?" is the nineteenth episode of season one of the superhero fantasy & action series The Flash. The episode was directed by Wendy Stanzler with a script written by Ray Utarnachitt and Cortney Norris. It first aired on the CW Network on Tuesday, April 21st, 2015 at 8:00 pm. The series stars Grant Gustin in the role of Barry Allen - also known as the super-hero speedster, the Flash. It also stars Candice Patton as his unrequited love, Iris West, Danielle Panabaker as brainy colleague Caitlin Snow, Rick Cosnett as the chisel-chinned police detective Eddie Thawne, Carlos Valdes as nerdy genius Cisco Ramon, Tom Cavanagh as scientist Doctor Harrison Wells and Jesse L. Martin as police detective Joe West.



Actor Role
Grant Gustin The Flash, Barry Allen
Candice Patton Iris West
Danielle Panabaker Caitlin Snow
Rick Cosnett Eddie Thawne
Carlos Valdes Cisco Ramon
Tom Cavanagh Doctor Harrison Wells
Jesse L. Martin Detective Joe West

Guest Starring[]

Actor Role
Katie Cassidy Laurel Lance
Paul Blackthorne Quentin Lance
Danielle Nicolet Cecile Horton
Patrick Sabongui Captain David Singh


Actor Role
Paul Almeida Uniform cop #1
Ray Boulay Construction worker
Naiah Cummins Teller
King Lau Hulking man
Laiken Laverock Little girl
Maxine Miller Old woman
Atlin Vera Mitchell Nina
Paul Moniz de Sa Jeweler
Martin Novotny Hannibal Bates
Marshall Virtue TSA agent
Barbara Wallace Grandma Bates
Chris Webb Trusting man face

Notes & Trivia[]

  • This episode is rated TV-PG.
  • This episode is production code number 3J5369.
  • This episode had a viewership of 3.75 million people upon its initial broadcast, which is up by 0.08 from the previous episode.
  • Tom Cavanagh receives a "with" credit qualifier in the main cast list.
  • Actress Katie Cassidy is given a "Special Guest Star" credit in this episode.
  • This is the first appearance of Hannibal Bates. He makes two appearances in the series in total. He appears next in "The Trap".
  • This is the first appearance of Cecile Horton. She makes eight appearances in the series in total.


  • Barry Allen refers to a Coast City pizza parlor as the "best in the west", implying that Coast City is on the west coast. In the comics, Coast City is located in California, as is Star City. This is the closest that the DC Television Universe has come towards establishing which U.S. states certain cities are located in.
  • Cecile Horton is based on a character named Cecile O'Malley. She was introduced during the latter half of the Silver Age era, and served as Barry Allen's defense attorney during "The Trial of the Flash" storyline.


  • Barry Allen: I'm getting faster, faster than I've ever been, and I wonder if it's because lately something's chasing me. I know what it is that's stalking me. It's my past. It's getting closer, and as fast as I am, I can't help but feel like my past has almost caught up with me.


  • Barry Allen: Look, you said it yourself. If we don't find Hannibal Bates, you go to prison for a crime you didn't commit. I'm not gonna let that happen. Not again.
  • Eddie Thawne: This isn't like your dad, Barry.
  • Barry Allen: Eddie, look...
  • Eddie Thawne: When your dad was put away, you were a kid. There wasn't anything you could do, but you're not a kid anymore. You're a scientist. Hell, you're The Flash. You are going to find Bates and you are going to clear me. So go do it.


  • Laurel Lance: Hey. You show this to anyone, I'll kill you. [referring to a photograph of Cisco and Laurel dressed up as Black Canary]
  • Cisco Ramon: That's just an expression, right?
  • Laurel Lance: Nope.



  • Cisco Ramon: How do you know Barry? You guys, like, friends or something?
  • Laurel Lance: Not really. We met last time he was in Starling City visiting my friends - John Diggle, Felicity Smoak and Oliver Queen.
  • Cisco Ramon: Three people who have absolutely nothing in common... as far as I know.
  • Laurel Lance: Cisco, I know Barry's the Flash and Oliver's the Arrow. [Cisco chuckles]
  • Cisco Ramon: How do you know that?
  • Laurel Lance: [whispers] Because... I'm the Black Canary.
  • Cisco Ramon: Stop playing.
  • Laurel Lance: It's true.
  • Cisco Ramon: You stop it right now. No. [Cisco laughs]
  • Laurel Lance: Okay, okay. Calm down.
  • Cisco Ramon: I... love you. I mean, I love the way that you beat up criminals.


  • Cisco Ramon: Please tell me that's not what I think it is.
  • Quentin Lance: Okay, that is definitely a hand.
  • Cisco Ramon: Okay. See, I thought it was a foot but a hand is just as bad.


  • Eddie Thawne: You were right. I was hiding something from you, and you deserve to know the truth. The reason I've been so distant lately... I've been working with The Flash.


See also[]


The Flash

Legends of Tomorrow

Flash logo 03
Season One
This article pertains to an episode from season one of the The Flash television series.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the Arrow/Season 1 episodes category.