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"Luck Be a Lady"
Series The Flash
Season 4, Episode 3
Flash 4x03 001
Air date October 24th, 2017
Writers Sam Chalsen; Judalina Neira
Director Armen V. Kevorkian
Producers Sam Chalsen; Judalina Neira; Geoff Garrett; Jennifer Lence; Carl Ogawa; Jonathan Butler; Gabriel Garza; JP Finn; Eric Wallace; Sarah Schechter; Todd Helbing; Andrew Kreisberg; Greg Berlanti; Scott Sebert
Starring Grant Gustin; Candice Patton; Danielle Panabaker; Carlos Valdes; Keiynan Lonsdale; Neil Sandilands; Tom Cavanagh; Jesse L. Martin
Episode guide
"Mixed Signals"
"Elongated Journey Into Night"

"Luck Be a Lady" is the third episode of season four of the live-action superhero action series The Flash and the seventy-second episode of the series overall. It was directed by Armen V. Kevorkian with a teleplay written by Sam Chalsen and Judalina Neira. It first aired on the CW Network on Tuesday, October 24th, 2017 at 8:00 pm.



Actor Role

Guest Starring[]

Actor Role


Actor Role

Notes & Trivia[]

  • This episode is rated TV-PG.
  • This episode is production code number T27.13403.
  • Actor Henry Mah is credited as Henry J. Mah in this episode.
  • This is the first credited television work for actor Chris Foxon.

Story notes[]

  • Jesse Wells breaks up with Wally West by way of an Atlantean break-up cube.
  • Break-up cubes only exist on Earth-2.


  • Harry Wells gives Wally West an Atlantean break-up cube from his daughter, Jesse. Atlanteans are a race of undersea humanoids who hail from the mythical city-state known as Atlantis. Classically, in DC Comics, the king of Atlantis is Aquaman. This is the first reference to the Atlanteans made in the DC Television Universe.


  • Barry Allen: If we can stop evil time-traveling speedsters from destroying the planet, we can find a wedding venue.


See also[]


The Flash

Legends of Tomorrow

External Links[]

Flash logo 03
Season Four
This article pertains to an episode from season four of The Flash television series.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the Flash (2014)/Season 4 episodes category.
