First Wave was a joint US/Canadian science fiction television series that aired on the Sci-Fi Channel from 1998 to 2001. It spanned three seasons with twenty-two episodes per season for a total of sixty-six episodes overall. The series was created by Chris Brancato and produced by Vidatron Entertainment and Sugar Entertainment Ltd.. The premise of the series revolves around an extraterrestrial race known as the Gua who, as part of their "First Wave" strategem towards enslaving the planet Earth, begin conducting experiments on human beings to test their resistance to various types of stimuli. Using their knowledge of genetics, they clone human bodies and insinuate themselves into society as the first step in their ultimate plan to subjugate humanity. At the center of this massive conspiracy, security specialist Kincaid Lawrence "Cade" Foster discovers lost quatrains relating to the prophecies of Nostradamus, which tells of the coming of the invaders and "Twice Blessed Man". Foster investigates the mysteries surrounding the Gua along with tabloid reporter "Crazy Eddie" Nambulous in the hopes of stopping the First Wave.