Fear the Walking Dead is an American television series of the survival horror genre. It is a spin-off of the critically acclaimed cable television series The Walking Dead, which is based on a series of graphic novels written by Robert Kirkman. The series was produced by Dave Erickson along with Kirkman, Gale Anne Hurd, Greg Nicotero, and David Alpert. The series was originally scheduled to begin airing on AMC in July, 2015. The pilot episode finally aired on Sunday, August 23rd. Production on the series began in early 2015. [1] Production on the pilot episode of the series was completed on February 6th. [2] As with The Walking Dead, the inaugural season of the series was slated for a six-episode season.
A preview special called "A Look at Fear the Walking Dead aired on AMC on Sunday, August 9th, 2015. Includes a snapshot of the cast and crew of the series. Running time: 5 min.
A Preview of Fear the Walking Dead aired on AMC on Sunday, August 16th, 2015. This is by and large the same preview as the one that aired on August 9th. Running time: 5 min.
A preview spotlight, The Cast of Fear the Walking Dead, aired on AMC on Sunday, August 24th, 2015. This aired on the same night as the series premiere. Running time: 5 min.
Scott M. Gimple is the first crew member on the franchise to write scripts for both Fear the Walking Dead and The Walking Dead.
Season Four of the show added Lennie James to the main cast line-up. He is formerly a series regular on The Walking Dead, and represents the first occurrence of a character crossing over from one show to the other.