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Farscape: The Complete First Season
Farscape - The Complete First Season
Series Farscape
Format DVD
Season 1
No. of episodes 22
No. of discs 11
DVD release date October 29th, 2002
Blu-ray release date Unavailable

Farscape: The Complete First Season collects all twenty-two episodes of season of the sci-fi television series Farscape on DVD. This eleven-disc collection was released on October 29th, 2002 and includes scenes that were originally aired in the Australian broadcast of the series, but not in the US broadcasts. This collection includes video profiles of cast and crew members, production stills and exclusive artwork and image galleries.


Season One[]

Case Disc Content
1 1 "Premiere" (episodes)
"I, E.T." (episode)
The Farscape Effect: Behind the Scene of a Cutting Edge Sci-Fi Show
Video Profile: John Crichton
Image gallery
Conceptual drawings
Web links
"Premiere" audio commentary with Rockne S. O'Bannon, Brian Henson and Ben Browder
"I, E.T." audio commentary with Anthony Simcoe and Claudia Black
1 2 "Exodus from Genesis" (episode)
"Throne for a Loss" (episode)
Actor profile: Claudia Black
Conceptual drawings
"Exodus from Genesis" audio commentary with Brian Henson and Virginia Hey
"Throne for a Loss" audio commentary with Ben Browder and Claudia Black

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Distributed by Adv Films.
  • Complete running time for this collection is 1,100 minutes.

See also[]


The World of Farscape

Farscape miscellaneous

External Links[]

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