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This page contains a list of people, places and things featured in the Farscape multimedia franchise. Character names are categorized by first name, last name.


Pa'u refers to the spiritual leaders of the alien race known as the Delvians. It's Earth equivilant would be akin to Father for Catholic priests or Sister for Catholic nuns. A Delvian priest always seeks spiritual enlightenment and harmony and worships an ethereal being referred to as the Goddess of the Delvian Seek. On Farscape, one of the main characters from the first few seasons, Zotoh Zhaan, was a Delvian priest and introduced herself as Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan (the greeting was often accompanied by a symbolic hand gesture).


Farscape 2x05 009

Peacekeeper Command Carrier[]

Command carriers served as a mobile base of operations for the Peacekeepers; they were immense ships with a crew complement of about 50,000. Many Peacekeepers lived their entire lives on a command carrier, and they had all the comforts needed to sustain their large crews (including large indoor "gardens" that simulated a planet's surface and were used for combat training exercises).

Command carriers primarily relied on their large complements of Prowlers and Marauders to project Peacekeeper power where needed. They were powerful battleships in their own right, armed with four frag cannons (2 fore, 2 aft) they each had a 90-degree radius of fire allowing for target acquisition all around the ship and protected by powerful defense screens. It is also rumored to have Missiles/Rockets however was never seen in action in an episode. They were quite fast, as Moya had to starburst away when a command carrier got too close, but they never seemed to stay ahead of them for very long.

Command Carriers and most other space vessels were not equipped to achieve instant FTL speeds. They can however accelerate to FTL speeds.

Larger variants of Command Carriers existed and were attached to fleets as flagships (the Zelbinion may have been one of these variants due to the remarks made about its size and power). There larger size is to incorporate extra quarters for additional command staff, their security, and possibly disruptors and/or special operations. It is likely that they also had a couple extra shuttles for the staff. They probably have more ordinance on board then an average command carrier, though their standard crew, Prowler, and Marauder complements would be the same. If these vessels were destroyed, whole fleets could be thrown into disarray and might eventually crumble.

Peacekeeper commando[]

Farscape 2x05 001

Peacekeeper Prowler[]


Farscape 2x05 010

Pulse rifle[]

A Pulse rifle is one of the standard firearms used by members of the military body known as the Peacekeepers. Officer Aeryn Sun, even after she was cashiered out of the Peacekeepers and became a refugee, continued to use her pulse rifle in the service of the crew of the bioship known as Moya.
