Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"Hey, kiddies. Do you know time it is? It's clobberin' time!"
The Thing
Fantastic Four Annual
Title: "Legacy"
Volume: 1
Number: 17
Cover price: $1.00
Cover date: September, 1983
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Chief: Jim Shooter
Writers: John Byrne
Pencilers: John Byrne
Inkers: John Byrne
Cover artists: John Byrne
Cover inker: John Byrne
Colorists: Glynis Wein
Letterers: Jim Novak
Editors: Carl Potts
Previous: Fantastic Four Annual #16
Next: Fantastic Four Annual #18

"Legacy" is the title to the story from the 17th Annual edition of Fantastic Four, Volume 1. The story was written and illustrated by John Byrne, who also provided the cover art composition and embellishment. The issue was colored by Glynis Wein and lettered by Jim Novak. It was edited by Carl Potts. This issue shipped with a September, 1983 cover date and carried a cover price of $1.00 per copy (US). In this issue, the townsfolk of King's County, New York find themselves the victims of a mysterious illness. One of the witnesses to the incident, Sharon Selleck contacts her close friend Johnny Storm. As the rest of the Fantastic Four are brought up to speed, they investigate the mystery of King's Crossing and finds that it relates back to one of their very first adventures.


Featured characters

Supporting characters


  • Fantastic Four Skrulls (In flashback only)
  • Mister Fantastic Skrull
  • Human Torch Skrull
  • The Thing Skrull

Minor characters

  • Dorrek VII (In flashback only)
  • Barney White
  • Chet Rollins
  • Emmett
  • Grey
  • Tiny







Notes & Trivia[]

Recommended Reading[]

See also[]

External Links[]
