Exploding building: Sometimes buildings explode. It sucks, but what can ya do? There are any number of reasons why a building might blow up. I many cases some nasty little mad bomber might plant an explosive charge in a building, in which case... KA-BLOOEY! Other times, a building's structural integrity may be compromised due to external trauma, such as being hit by a giant meteor, or maybe Superman and General Zod decide to have a knuckle-duster in your backyard. And again... KA-BLOOEY! Of course if someone blows up your whole damn planet, such was the case when Grand Moff Tarkin fired a big-honkin' space gun at Alderaan in Star Wars, well then yes, all of the structures located on said planet would explode as well. It goes without saying. In speculative fiction, one of the more widely used reasons why a place might blow up is if it contains some highly unstable power source such as a nuclear generator. You know how this goes. Some underpaid lab technician isn't paying attention and the next thing you know, the power core overloads resulting in.... yup. You guessed it. KA-BLOOEY!
Buildings that have exploded[]
- Dead Zone, The
- Incredibles, The - Exploding buildings in Metroville and on Nomanisan Island.
- Independence Day - White House, Capital Building and other landmarks.
- Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi - Imperial bunker.
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Weapons Factory Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee blow up weapons facility on Geonosis.
- Amazing Spider-Man 131 - Hammerhead crashes his helicopter into a nuclear plant.
- Cavewoman: Gangster 1 - Matthew Blackstone blows up the Marshville police station.
- Civil War 1 - Multiple buildings explode in Stamford, Connecticut.
- Detective Comics 683 - Thomas Brighton's apartment explodes to cover up incriminating evidence as Batman and Robin arrive on the scene.
- New Mutants 32 - Viper's compound in Big Sur.
- Preacher 12 - Angelville explodes after an oxygen tank detonates.
- Star Wars: Republic 67 - Master Tohno destroys weapons factory on Zaadja.
- Ultimate X-Men 4 - Magneto destroys a skyscraper in Croatia.
- Vampblade 4 - Tombs blows up Detroit Medical Center.
- Web of Spider-Man 56 - Skinheads blow up a hall at ESU.
- American Horror Story: The End - L.A. goes BOOM!
- The Gifted: eXtreme measures
- Exploding buildings (plural) redirects to this page .