Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Includes a list of characters, actors and production crew members whose first names are Eve.


Angel 5x01 001

Eve was the liaison to the Senior Partners at Wolfram & Hart after the Angel Investigations staff took over the W&H Los Angeles branch. Initially serving the Senior Partners, her creators, she fell in love with Lindsey McDonald and joined his plot against Angel. After being exposed, she went into hiding to escape the Senior Partners' wrath until she was tracked down by Marcus Hamilton, a fellow Child of the Senior Partners, who forced her to sign away her powers and immortality. After becoming a mortal, she remained at Lindsey's side, though she feared for his safety when he joined Angel's plot to eliminate the Circle of the Black Thorn. Her fears proved true when Angel told her Lindsey would not be coming for her, understanding that Angel had, in fact, turned on her lover. Emotionally broken, Eve remained in the W&H building as it crumbled to pieces, the Senior Partners' punishment for Angel's rebellion.

DC Comics[]


American Freak[]

Adam and Eve - American Freak 2

Eve was a member of the second generation of Un-Men. Unlike first generation Un-Men, Eve was not created in a laboratory, but was born through natural means by the mating of two Un-Men. Procreation between Un-Men is extremely uncommon, and to date, there have only been thirteen recorded cases of second generation Un-Men surviving to adulthood. Eve was part of a group of Un-Men living in Romania as slaves for the amusement of Romanian socialite Alexiev Gogol. Gogol forced his Un-Men to prostrate themselves for the amusement of his party guests in a macabre living museum in the ballroom of his castle. In 1994, Eve met another second generation Un-Man named Damien Kane. Unlike his contemporaries, Kane still maintained a human appearance as a result of chemical treatments developed by Doctor David Manguy. Kane's body began to regress to an endormorphic state however, and with the benefit of superhuman strength and vitality, he was able to liberate Gogol's slaves. Eve and the others believed that Kane was a child of prophecy, destined to unite all Un-Men to a common cause. Eve and the others followed Damien to the United States and participated in a raid on an Un-Men laboratory in New Orleans, Louisiana. With the aid of Doctor Manguy, the plight of the second generation Un-Men gained massive media attention and the United States government was forced to give them sanctuary. A reservation was provided for the Un-Men on the grounds of an old atomic testing site. They were sealed off and essentially protected from humanity and were allowed to live out the rest of their days in peace.

Eve of Destruction[]


A scientist named Doctor Eve Simmons created an advanced gynoid for the military in her own image called Eve VIII, which she claimed possesses all of the passion that she herself lacked. More notable however, was the fact that the android housed a nuclear bomb. As with most such cases, technology ran amok and the Eve VIII found herself in the midst of a bank robbery where she was accidentally shot by automatic weapons fire, causing her internal explosives to go active. As such, Eve VIII became a wild killing machine, acting out the darker passions of her creator. She called upon her most base programming, which required her to defend herself at all costs - even if doing so, cost the lives of everyone else around her. Doctor Simmons enlisted the aid of Colonel Jim McQuade to stop her.

Marvel Comics[]


Eve was an associate of Gideon and a partner of Adam. Eve traveled to the Da Costa International headquarters in Rio de Janeiro where she poisoned the company's CEO Emmanuel Da Costa, ultimately killing him.

