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Euphrates Sector is the name of a fictional location. This page is a stub. If you are reading this message, then that means you have come to a page about a character that is in need of additional work. There are certain key elements that are lacking from this article and thus preventing it from achieving an acceptable level of quality. This may include a screenshot image, missing and/or incorrect location information, a general overview statement, points of interest, residents, and so on. Once these elements have been satisfied, then this template may be removed from the page.

Babylon 5 1x02 031
Euphrates Sector
Continuity: Babylon 5
Aliases: Sector 919
Category: Sector
System: Epsilon Eridani system
Points of interest: Babylon 5 station; Epsilon III; Euphrates

The Euphrates Sector is a fictional space sector featured in the American science fiction television series, Babylon 5. It serves as a backdrop for the series and is where the Babylon 5 space station is located.


The Euphrates Sector is Sector 919 of the space sectors recognized by the Earth Alliance. It is located adjacent to the Tigris Sector and officially recognized as neutral territory though it remains under the jurisdiction of the Earth Alliance. Situated in Grid Epsilon, this sector contains the planets Euphrates, Epsilon III and Station Babylon 5. The most dangerous alien in the sector is know to be the Zarg. During the Earth-Minbari War an old Earth listening post and former Drazi Colony in the Epsilon system was the site of a failed secret meeting between representatives from Earth and Minbar.

In 2258, a special summit to discuss trade agreements between the Centauri and the Narn were held aboard Babylon 5. The Centauri ambassadro, Londo Mollari was preoccupied with a dancing girl that had captured his heart named Adira Tyree and could not be bothered to attend the negotions, so he sent his second, Vir Cotto to take his place. The Narn ambassador, G'Kar, was so offended by Mollari's absence at this important summit that he responded in kind, by handing over his responsibilities to his own second, Ko D'Ath. [1]

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