Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
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Ethan Phillips
Ethan Phillips
Aliases: Johnny
Gender: Male
Medium(s): Film; Television
Roles: Actor
Born: February 8th, 1955
Birthplace: Long Island, New York
Notable works: Star Trek: Voyager
1st Sci-Fi: Twilight Zone: Devil's Alphabet

Ethan Phillips is an American film and television actor born in Garden City, Long Island, New York on February 8th, 1955. To sci-fi fans, Phillips is best known for playing the alien character Neelix on all 170 episodes of the UPN television series Star Trek: Voyager.

Body of work[]


Film Year Role
Critters 1986 Jeff Barnes
Star Trek: First Contact 1996 Holodeck Nightclub Maitre d'
The First Men in the Moon 1997 Various
The Island 2005 Jones Three Echo


Series Episode Role
The Twilight Zone The Devil's Alphabet Deaver
Star Trek: The Next Generation Ménage à Troi Farek
Star Trek: Voyager All Neelix
Star Trek: Enterprise Acquisition Ulis

Video Games[]

Game Year Character
Star Wars: Force Commander 2000 Transport Pilot/Governer of Abridon
Star Trek: Voyager: Elite Force 2000 Neelix
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds 2001 Multiple characters
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2003 Galon Lor/Tamlen/Hrakert mercenary

Notes & Trivia[]

External Links[]


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Star Trek Actor or Crew member
This article relates to actors or production crew members pertaining to the Star Trek television series. This template will categorize articles that include it into the Star Trek crew members category.