Includes a list of characters, actors and production crew members whose first names are Emily. |
American Horror Story[]
Emily was an African American woman who was apprehended by agents of The Cooperative after having already been arrested for engaging in a protest. The Cooperative was pressed into action on the day that the world erupted into nuclear Armageddon. Emily was brought to an underground shelter called Outpost Three, where she met another youth named Timothy Campbell. The Cooperative maintained a strict prohibition against the forming of relationships. But as time went on, Emily and Timothy began to fall for one another. The on-site leading representative of the Cooperative was a man named Michael Langdon, who officiated the Cooperative's agenda through the site's headmistress, Miss Wilhemina Venable. Langdon told everyone that the outpost was doomed to be overrun, but a select few would be chosen to come to a special impregnable sanctuary. Timothy and Emily distrusted Michael, and broke into his room to sneak a look at his computer in the hopes of finding the location of the Sanctuary. Miss Venable meanwhile, knew that Michael did not intend for her to live, so she conspired to murder everyone at the outpost, including Langdon, and use his computer to find the sanctuary for herself. Venable held a Halloween masked ball, which included a game of bobbing for apples. Unbeknownst to the attendees, all of the apples were poisoned. Emily and Timothy both participated in the game, and died as a result of eating the poisoned food.
Emily was a college student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She had dark hair, black-rimmed glasses and multiple tattoos. She stayed in Dorm room 237 where she enjoyed watching episodes of Seinfeld on her laptop. She was friends with Lila Thorsguard, aka Dollface.