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Elk Grove
Category: City
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: Michigan
County: Kenward County
Residents: Ash Williams; Cheryl Williams; Brandy Barr; Pablo Simon Bolivar; Kelly Maxwell
Points of interest: Ashy Slashy's Hardware & Sex Emporium; Elk Lounge Bar; ValueStop
Notable apperances: Ash vs Evil Dead
1st appearance: "El Jefe"

Elk Grove is a fictional city located in the U.S. state of Michigan. It is featured in the Starz horror/comedy series Ash vs Evil Dead. The city is presented as the home town of the show's hero, Ash Williams, as well as member of his supporting cast, including Pablo Simon Bolivar and Kelly Maxwell. State police officer Amanda Fisher operates in and/or near the Elk Grove area. Ruby Knowby has visited the town as well. Ash lives out of the Mossy Haven trailer park, where his closest neighbor was Vivian Johnson - or at least it was until she became possessed by malevolvent forces and transformed into a Deadite, at which point, Ash had to lop her head off with a chainsaw. These things happen. It's a sleepy little town.


Elk Grove is one of the most notable towns in all of Kenward County, as this is the home of Ash Williams, and the late members of his family, father Brock, and sister Cheryl. Because Ash is prophecied to vanquish the Dark Ones, Elk Grove has become a veritable haven for the forces of the Evil Dead - demonic Kandarian spirits who possess the living, turning them into zombie-like creatures called Deadites. Ash's foray into battling these foes began more than three decades ago when he first came into the possession of the Necromonicon Ex Mortis - The Book of the Dead. During this affair, several of his friends had died, including his sister. The people of Elk Grove however, believed that Ash had gone insane and butchered his friends, thus earning him the unfavorable nickname "Ashy Slashy". Ash became a pariah in Elk Grove and everyone spoke his name with venomous hatred. Thirty years later, little had changed, and even the town's sheriff, Thomas Emery grew to hate him. Ultimately however, Ash not only defeated a recent incursion of Deadites, but also proved to the people of Elk Grove that he was innocent. He became the hero of the town and re-opened his late father's hardware store.

Points of Interest[]

Ashy Slashy's Hardware & Sex Emporium
This was formerly known as Brock's Hardware, and was inherited by his son, Ash Williams, upon his father's death. When Ash became the hero of Elk Grove, he re-opened the hardware store, and diversified its product to include adult toys. Ash performed in his own commercials for the shop, taking ownership of the formerly negative nickname "Ashy Slashy", and marketed it as a term used to describe slashing prices. His commercials showed an attractive assistant acting alluring while wearing the company smock. Even Ash wore a smock with a hand-written name tag scribbled in Sharpie.
Elk Lounge Bar
The Elk Lounge Bar is a country-western themed restaurant and bar located in the town of Elk Grove in Kenward County, Michigan. At one point, it catered to an an older male clientele, but eventually, the bar began drawing in a younger crowd. One of the features at the bar is a mechanical bull. Chet Kaminski worked there as a bartender.
Kenward High School
Kenward High School was a public school located in the city of Elk Grove in Kenward County, Michigan. Students who attended school at Kenward High include Lacey Emery, Brandy Barr, her best friend Rachel Manning, and a team mascot named Cougie. Brandy and Rachel were serving detention when Cougie approached them in a threatening manner. They were unaware that he was possessed by a Deadite, until Ash Williams, Kelly Maxwell and Pablo Simon Bolivar arrived and killed him. Rachel also became a Deadite and killed Brandy's mother, Candy Barr.
Pablito's Fish & Chips
Pablito's Fish & Chips is a small business located in the town of Elk Grove in Michigan. It was founded by Mexican entrepreneur (and Deadite killer) Pablo Simon Bolivar. Before founding the establishment, Pablo told Ruby Knowby about opening up a food truck that sold seafood, but also assisted with electronic repairs. The "Chips" in Pablito's Fish & Chips refers to microchips. After successfully vanquishing the Dark One known as Baal, Pablo was able to make his dream come true. He established his food truck near to Ashy Slashy's Hardware & Sex Emporium.
ValueStop was a home appliance and rennovation center located in Kenward County. Ash Williams and Pablo Simon Bolivar both worked there as stock-boys, which is where the two first met one another. Their boss was Mister Roper. Kelly Maxwell worked in the checkout lane as a trainee. Ash's employment at ValueStop came to an end when the spirits of the Evil Dead took possession of some dolls and attacked him, wreaking untold havoc and substantial product loss.

TV shows that take place in Elk Grove[]

Characters from Elk Grove[]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Elk Grove was first introduced in Ash vs Evil Dead. Although the character of Ash Williams has always hailed from Michigan, his original point of origin was somewhat unclear. It is never indicated in the movies where he came from. In the Evil Dead video games, it is stated that he came from Dearborn, Michigan.
  • Elk Grove is located approximately eight miles away from Springwood, which is located in Ohio. This short distance posits the notion that Elk Grove is located in the northeastern region of Michigan with Springwood being located in the northwestern region of Ohio. [1]

See also[]

External Links[]


