Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Eddie Caputo
Eddie Caputo
Continuity: Child's Play
Notability: Minor character
Type: Criminal
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Status: Deceased
Died: November, 1988
First: Child's Play
Actor: Neil Giuntoli

Eddie Caputo is a fictional criminal and a minor character featured in the Child's Play. He was played by actor Neil Giuntoli and appeared in the 1988 film Child's Play.


Eddie Caputo was a criminal from Chicago, Illinois. He was partners with a serial killer named Charles Lee Ray. In November, 1988, Eddie had escaped from prison and was with Ray when they were pursued by homicide detective Mike Norris. Not wishing to return to jail, Eddie sped away in the getaway van, leaving Charles behind. Charles Lee Ray swore to get revenge against him.

Ray was shot and killed by Mike Norris, but before expiring, he transposed his soul into a Good Guys doll named Chucky. Manipulating a six-year-old boy named Andy Barclay, he tracked Eddie down to a flophouse. He turned the gas on in the house, and when Eddie tried shooting at him with his revolver, the house exploded, killing him.

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