This page contains a list of characters featured in the Earth-Two, Golden Age era of DC Comics publishing history. Some of these characters may have counterparts or common elements with Earth-One (Silver Age) continuity or Post-Crisis continuity. |
San Monte[]
Sergeant Blake[]
Stanislaw Kober[]
Steve Trevor[]
Steve Trevor was a young man who enlisted in the military and served during World War II. He rose through the ranks of the Army Air Corp achieving the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He was eventually promoted to Military Intelligence. Trevor accepted a spy mission that took him across the Atlantic Ocean, flying over the mysterious and hidden Paradise Island. Steve lost control of the plane and crash-landed on the island. A native Amazon from the island, Princess Diana found Steve and nursed him back to health using her people's purple healing ray. Afterward, Diana accepted the job of returning Steve to the United States. She took on the guise of Diana Prince and worked closely with Trevor throughout the duration of the war, while also fighting against injustice in her superhero guise, Wonder Woman. After the war, Steve and Diana were married and had a daughter named Hippolyta. Hippolyta Trevor grew up to become the teenage powerhouse known as Fury and served on the team known as Infinity, Inc., along with several other legacy heroes. Following the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" event, Steve Trevor went to live on Mount Olympus, where he was bequeathed a minor level of godhood.