Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
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This page contains a list of characters featured in the Earth-Two, Golden Age era of DC Comics publishing history. Some of these characters may have counterparts or common elements with Earth-One (Silver Age) continuity or Post-Crisis continuity.


Kal-L 001

Kal-L is the last surviving son of the doomed planet Krypton. He is the child of Jor-L and Lora and was rocketed to Earth by his parents to escape from his home world's impending doom. Krypton exploded as the baby's ship blasted away. It crash-landed on Earth where he was discovered by John and Mary Kent. The Kents raised Kal-L as their own and taught him strong moral virtues. They gave him the human name Clark Kent. Even as an infant, Clark demonstrated fantastic superhuman abilities including super-strength and the power to leap great distances. After the Kents died of natural causes, Kal-L swore that he would uphold their memory by fighting against injustice. He relocated to Cleveland, Ohio where he took on the costumed identity of Superman.
