Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"Holy crimson skies of death!"
Dick Grayson
Batman (1966) 1x07 001
Continuity: Batman: The Series
Category: Reality
Residents: Batman; Britt Reid; Robin; Alfred; Commissioner Gordon; Chief O'Hara; Kato
Points of interest: Chicago, Illinois
Gotham City
1st appearance: "Hi Diddle Riddle"

Earth-66 is a fictional reality designation relating to the licensed properties of DC Comics. It has been retroactively attributed to the continuity of the original 1966 Batman television series, and its various spin-off projects.


Earth-66 is similar to many other versions of the planet Earth, however, the age of heroes began in the year 1966, and continued on at least through the late 1970s. The metropolitan borough of Gotham City was protected by the costumed adventurers known as Batman and Robin. Teenager Barbara Gordon, daughter of the largely ineffective Commissioner Gordon, also donned a cape and cowl and adventured as Batgirl.

Another masked hero was Britt Reid was the editor of a newspaper known as the Daily Sentinel, based out of Chicago, Illinois. He also fought against crime as the Green Hornet, along with his chauffeur and sidekick, Kato.

Films that take place in Earth-66[]

TV shows that take place in Earth-66[]

Comics that take place in Earth-66[]

  • Archie Meets Batman '66
  • Batman '66 Vol 1
  • Batman '66 Meets Steed and Mrs. Peel
  • Batman '66 Meets the Green Hornet
  • Batman '66 Meets the Man from Uncle
  • Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77

Residents of Earth-66[]

Notes & Trivia[]

  • Earth-66 was one of many infinite realities destroyed by the Anit-Monitor's antimatter wave in DC Television Universe storyline "Crisis on Infinite Earths".
  • As the character of Shazam appeared in Legends of the Superheroes, it is possible that the 1974 Shazam! television series, and its spin-off, Isis take place in Earth-66 continuity as well. However, it is also just as likely that the Shazam that appears in Legends is not intended as the same character from the TV series (largely due to the fact that he is played by a different actor).

Related categories[]

See also[]

Batman Media

The World of Batman

Batman miscellaneous

External Links[]

