Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Downingtown High School
Downingtown High School
Continuity: The Blob
Category: Learning center
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: Pennsylvania
Town: Downingtown
Residents: Henry Martin
1st appearance: The Blob

The Downingtown High School is a fictional learning center featured in the 1958 science fiction/horror movie The Blob by director Irvin S. Yeaworth.


Downingtown High School was a public high school located in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. In the 1950s, the principal of the school was a middle-aged man named Henry Martin. In 1958, an alien blob monster began attacking the town of Downingtown. A young man named Steve Andrews discovered that the creature was vulnerable to extreme cold and that CO-2 fire extinguishers could cause it harm. Henry Martin and a group of students went to the school late at night. The doors were locked, so Mister Martin picked up a rock and smashed the glass panes on the door to gain entry. They scooped up every fire extinguisher they could find to drive the creature back.

