Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Downingtown Diner
Downingtown Diner
Continuity: The Blob
Category: Business
Continent: North America
Country: United States of America
State: Pennsylvania
Town: Downingtown
Residents: George; Sally
1st appearance: The Blob

The Downingtown Diner is a fictional business featured in the 1958 science fiction/horror movie The Blob by director Irvin S. Yeaworth.


The Downingtown Diner was a business located in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. It was a small structure with limited seating and patterned in the style of an old-fashioned train dining car. The proprietor of the diner was an Italian immigrant named George and a woman named Sally worked there as a waitress. In July of 1958, the town of Downingtown was attacked by a giant alien blob monster. Two individuals named Steve Andrews and Jane Martin, along with Jane's kid brother Danny sought refuge inside the diner. George wanted to escape out the front, but Steve held him back as the blob began covering the outside of the establishment. They retreated into the cellar where Steve discovered that the creature reacted harshly to cold temperatures. Taking up a CO-2 fire extinguisher, Steve was able to drive the blob back enough so that they could escape out the cellar window.


  • George - Cook/Proprietor
  • Sally - Waitress