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Douglas "DK" Knox
Douglas Knox
Name Douglas "DK" Knox
Aliases DK; Mama Bear
Continuity Farscape
Category Minor character
Type Scientist
Race Human
Gender Male
Base of Operations Cape Canaveral
Known relatives Laura Kopecki (wife, deceased)
Status Alive
Born 1971 (approx) [1]
Died N/A
First Appearance Farscape: Premiere
Played by Murray Bartlett

Douglas "DK" Knox was a minor character featured in the television sci-fi series Farscape. Played by Australian actor Murray Bartlett, he appeared in the program's pilot episode as well as the season two episode "Won't Get Fooled Again" and two season four episodes, "Unrealized Reality" and "Terra Firma".


Douglas Knox was a scientist and a member of the International Aeronautics and Space Administration. He was a childhood friend of fellow scientist John Crichton and graduated high school with him. In 1999, DK was part of the control crew behind Crichton's experimental flight aboard the Farscape-1 space module. John was suitably nervous about the mission, feeling that something "huge" was about to happen. DK monitored John's test flight and warned him about an approaching electromagnetic wave. He warned John to abort the mission, but it was too late. He lost contact with Farscape-1 when it entered the cloud and was pulled through a wormhole to a distant galaxy.

Notes & Trivia[]

See also[]


The World of Farscape

Farscape miscellaneous


  1. Date approximated based upon the age of actor Murray Bartlett.

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