Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
Includes a list of characters, actors and production crew members whose first names are Donald.

Variations include Don

American Horror Story[]

"Donald" was an alias assumed by former serial killer and mental patient Benjamin Richter, who had gained misplaced fame as "Mr. Jingles" - the alledged perpetrator of a 1970 campground massacre at Camp Redwood. Though he was actually innocent of these crimes, his time as a mental patient brainwashed him into believing that he actually was a serial killer. When he escaped from the hospital, he committed several grisly murders. He was ultimately killed, but resurrected by Richard Ramirez through the power of Satan. Richter became Ramirez' literal partner-in-crime over the span of a year. In August, 1985 however, Benjamin could no longer tolerate Ramirez' bloodlust, so he betrayed him. Desperate to put his past behind him, he assumed a new identity, Donald, and began working a home video rental center in Alaska. He married a former prostitute named Lorraine, and had a son named Bobby. Richter abandoned his Donald identity after Ramirez tracked him down and murdered Lorraine. (American Horror Story: Episode 100)

Child's Play[]

Donald - Child's Play

Donald was a Caucasian male of indeterminate age who lived in Chicago, Illinois. Possibly an alcoholic, he could be found wandering about the streets of Chicago in a drunken stupor. The possessed living killer doll Chucky came upon him while Donald was crooning a version of "My Favorite Things" from the 1959 musical The Sound of Music. He recognized that Chucky was a Good Guys doll, and did not seem particularily surprised (given his state of intoxication), when Chucky began speaking to him. Chucky slashed Donald's throat open with a knife, and stole his wallet, his hat, and his trenchcoat. (Child's Play Vol 1 2)

Other characters[]


Production Crew[]
