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Doctor Who (2005)
Doctor Who 2005 4x12 001

Season Premiere

December 25th, 2007
Season Finale July 5th, 2008
Episode Count 13 + 1 SP
Cast David Tennant
Catherine Tate

Season 3


Season 5


Regular episodes

Episode Title Airdate
4x0 Voyage of the Damned December 25th, 2007
4x1 Partners in Crime April 5th, 2008
4x2 The Fires of Pompeii April 12th, 2008
4x3 Planet of the Ood April 26th, 2008
4x4 The Sontaran Strategem May 3rd, 2008
4x5 The Poison Sky May 3rd, 2008
4x6 The Doctor's Daughter May 10th, 2008
4x7 The Unicorn and the Wasp May 17th, 2008
4x8 Silence in the Library May 31st, 2008
4x9 Forest of the Dead June 7th, 2008
4x10 Midnight June 14th, 2008
4x11 Turn Left June 21st, 2008
4x12 The Stolen Earth June 28th, 2008
4x13 Journey's End July 5th, 2008


Episode Title Airdate
SP The Next Doctor December 25th, 2008


Principal cast[]

Actor Role
David Tennant The Doctor
Catherine Tate Donna Noble

Guest stars[]

Actor Role
Bernard Cribbins Wilfred Mott
Jacqueline King Sylvia Noble
Billie Piper Rose Tyler
John Barrowman Captain Jack Harkness
Elisabeth Sladen Sarah Jane Smith
Freema Agyeman Martha Jones
Penelope Wilton Harriet Jones
Gareth David-Lloyd Ianto Jones
Eve Myles Gwen Cooper
Thomas Knight Luke Smith
Lachele Carl Trinity Wells
Barnaby Edwards Dalek operator
Nicholas Pegg Dalek operator
David Hankinson Dalek operator
Anthony Spargo Dalek operator
Nicholas Briggs Dalek
Alexander Armstrong Mr. Smith





Notes & Trivia[]

  • Combining the complete number of seasons from both iterations of the franchise, season four marks the thirtieth season of Doctor Who in total.

Home video[]

  • Doctor Who: The Complete Fourth Series/DVD
  • Doctor Who: The Complete Fourth Series/Blu-ray

See also[]


The World of Doctor Who

Doctor Who miscellaneous

External Links[]
