Season Twelve of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who began airing as a global simulcast on October 7th , 2018 . Regular episodes of the show aired on BBC One in the United Kingdom and BBC America in the United States. This season sees the return of all of the main cast members from season eleven, marking it as the second season to feature Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor , and her companions, which includes Bradley Walsh as Graham O'Brien , Tosin Cole as Ryan Sinclair , and Mandip Gill as Yasmin Khan . Season Twelve premiered on New Year's Day, January 1st , 2020 .
Episodes [ ]
Regular episodes [ ]
Spyfall (Part 1)
January 1st , 2020
Spyfall (Part 2)
January 5th , 2020
Orphan 55
January 12th , 2020
Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror
January 19th , 2020
Fugitive of the Judoon
January 26th , 2020
February 2nd , 2020
Can You Hear Me?
February 9th , 2020
The Haunting of Villa Diodati
February 16th , 2020
Ascension of the Cybermen
February 23rd , 2020
The Timeless Children
March 1st , 2020
Specials [ ]
Cast [ ]
Principal cast [ ]
Guest stars [ ]
Crew [ ]
Production [ ]
Directors [ ]
Writers [ ]
Notes & Trivia [ ]
Combining both the original series and the revival series together, this is season 38 of the Doctor Who franchise.
This season comprises episodes #857-866.
The season premiere of this season aired on a Wednesday. The remaining episodes aired on their regular Sunday evenings.
This season has the same main cast line-up as season eleven.
Doctor Who is the first science fiction television series to begin airing in 2020 .
The New Year's special, "Revolution of the Daleks" , saw the departure of actors Bradley Walsh and Tosin Cole from the series.
On January 4th , 2021 , it was reported that season thirteen could be the final season with Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor , giving her a three-season run on the show. While rumors of Whittaker's departure have circulated on set, the BBC has declined commenting on any speculation at this time. This news broke three days after BBC America premiered their New Year's special, "Revolution of the Daleks" , which bridges seasons twelve and thirteen of the show. [1]
See also [ ]
The World of Doctor Who
Doctor Who miscellaneous
External Links [ ]
References [ ]