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Doctor Who (2005)
Doctor Who 1x13 001

Season Premiere

March 26th, 2005
Season Finale June 18th, 2005
Episode Count 13 + 1 SP
Cast Christopher Eccleston; Billie Piper



Season 2

Doctor Who is a British science fiction television series and a revival of the original BBC Doctor Who which was produced an all new one-hour weekly television series in 2005. The series carried over from the same continuity of the original series, but with a brand new cast of characters. The program debuted with actor Christopher Eccleston playing the Ninth Doctor and Billie Piper taking up the role of the Doctor's companion, Rose Tyler. The first season of the show aired for thirteen episodes with Eccleston bowing out with the season finale.


Episode Title Airdate
1x1 Rose March 26th, 2005
1x2 The End of the World April 2nd, 2005
1x3 The Unquiet Dead April 9th, 2005
1x4 Aliens of London April 16th, 2005
1x5 World War Three April 23rd, 2005
1x6 Dalek April 30th, 2005
1x7 The Long Game May 7th, 2005
1x8 Father's Day May 14th, 2005
1x9 The Empty Child May 21st, 2005
1x10 The Doctor Dances May 28th, 2005
1x11 Boom Town June 4th, 2005
1x12 Bad Wolf June 11th, 2005
1x13 The Parting of the Ways June 18th, 2005


Principal cast[]

Actor Role
Christopher Eccleston The Doctor
Billie Piper Rose Tyler

Guest stars[]

Actor Role
Camille Coduri Jackie Tyler
Noel Clarke Mickey Smith
John Barrowman Captain Jack Harkness





Notes & Trivia[]

  • Combining this season with the seasons of the previous series, this is actually season 27 of Doctor Who.

Home video[]

  • Doctor Who: The Complete First Series/DVD
  • Doctor Who: The Complete First Series/Blu-ray

See also[]


The World of Doctor Who

Doctor Who miscellaneous
