Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"The Caretaker"
Series Doctor Who
Season 8/34, Episode 6
Air date September 27th, 2014
Producers Steven Moffat; Brian Minchin; Peter Bennett; Nikki Wilson
Starring Peter Capaldi; Jenna Coleman
Episode guide
"Time Heist"
"Kill the Moon"

"The Caretaker" is the title to the sixth episode from series eight of the 2005 relaunch of the British science fiction/adventure series Doctor Who and the 104th episode of the series overall.



Actor Role
Peter Capaldi The Doctor
Jenna Coleman Clara Oswald

Guest Starring[]

Actor Role


Actor Role

Notes & Trivia[]


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See also[]


The World of Doctor Who

Doctor Who miscellaneous

External Links[]

Series Eight
This article pertains to an episode from series eight of the Doctor Who revival series.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the Doctor Who (2005)/Season 8 episodes category.