Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"Make no attempt to capture them. They are to be exterminated. You understand? Exterminated!"
Dalek #1
"The Ambush"
Series Doctor Who
Season 1, Episode 8
Air date January 11th, 1964
Writers Terry Nation
Director Christopher Barry
Producers Verity Lambert
Starring William Hartnell; Ian Chesterton; Barbara Wright; Susan Foreman
Episode guide
"The Escape"
"The Expedition"

"Ambush" is the eighth episode of series one of the original Doctor Who television series. Directed by Christopher Barry and written by Terry Nation, it first aired on Saturday, January 11th, 1964 on the BBC. "Ambush" is the fourth chapter in "The Daleks" serial, which comprises episodes 5 through 12. The episode is included in the Doctor Who: The Beginning Collection DVD boxset.


Principal Cast[]

Actor Role
William Hartnell The Doctor
William Russell Ian Chesterton
Jacqueline Hill Barbara Wright
Carole Ann Ford Susan Foreman

Guest Stars[]

Actor Role
Alan Wheatley Temmosus
John Lee Alydon
Philip Bond Ganatus
Virginia Wetherell Dyoni
Marcus Hammond Antodus
Jonathan Crane Kristas
Gerald Curtis Elyon
David Graham Daleks (voice)
Peter Hawkins Daleks (voice)
Robert Jewell Dalek
Kevin Manser Dalek
Michael Summerton Dalek
Gerald Taylor Dalek

Notes & Trivia[]

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  • The production code number for the episode.
  • Home video availability for the episode (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, etc.), as well as which services provide digital download copies and/or streaming video services.
  • The rating for the episode (TV-14, TV-MA, etc.)
  • How many episodes in this series the director may have worked on.
  • How many episodes in this series the writer may have worked on.
  • Unique spelling or mis-spelling of selected cast and crew member, which may differ from how they are identified in other works.
  • Character appearances and other annotations.

See also[]


The World of Doctor Who

Doctor Who miscellaneous

External Links[]
