Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki
"Legend of the Sea Devils"
Series Doctor Who
Season 13, Episode SP 02
Doctor Who - Legend of the Sea Devils
Air date April 17th, 2022
Writers Ella Road; Chris Chibnall
Director Haolu Wang
Producers Chris Chibnall; Matt Strevens; Nikki Wilson; Sheena Bucktowonsing; Tracie Simpson; Ben Irving; Steffan Morris
Starring Jodie Whittaker; Mandip Gill; John Bishop
Episode guide
"Eve of the Daleks"
"The Power of the Doctor"

"Legend of the Sea Devils" is the second of three 2022 specials of the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who. It was directed by Haolu Wang with a script written by Ella Road and Chris Chibnall. It first aired on BBC One on April 17th, 2022.



Actor Role
Jodie Whittaker The Doctor
Mandip Gill Yasmin Khan
John Bishop Dan Lewis

Guest Starring[]

Actor Role
Marlowe Chan-Reeves Ying Ki
Crystal Yu Madame Ching
Craige Els Chief Sea Devil
Arthur Lee Ji-Hun
David K.S. Tse Ying Wai


Actor Role
Jon Davey Sea Devil
Simon Carew Sea Devil
Chester Durrant Sea Devil
Richard Price Sea Devil
Mickey Lewis Sea Devil
Andrew Cross Sea Devil

Notes & Trivia[]



  • The Doctor: I mean, that's the problem with history, never anything like the books. Same as Stephen King movies.


  • Yasmin Khan: My Nani says courage is knowing something will hurt and doing it anyway. Mind you, she also said it's the definition of stupidity.





See also[]


The World of Doctor Who

Doctor Who miscellaneous

External Links[]

Doctor Who S13 logo
This article pertains to an episode from series thirteen of the Doctor Who revival series.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the Doctor Who (2005)/Season 13 episodes category.